How to Improve Egg Quality After 40?

The quality of the eggs is the most important factor for a successful pregnancy and is a matter of concern for women over 40, how to get pregnant naturally or with the help of IVF.
11 Tips to Increase Male Infertility

Fertility means a person’s ability to reproduce without medical assistance. When a man has a poor chance of making his female partner pregnant, it’s termed Male infertility. It is usually dependent on the quality of his sperm cells.
स्वतःप्रवर्तित गर्भपात बनाम बांझपन
गर्भावस्था के समय से पहले अचानक ही समाप्त होने को गर्भस्राव या स्वतःप्रवर्तित गर्भपात कहते हैं। आपको जानकर हैरानी होगी कि लगभग 20% गर्भ स्वयं ही निरस्त हो जाते हैं
Miscarriage And Infertility

[vc_row el_class=”cstm_container”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Everyone’s experience of a miscarriage is different and often compared to fertility. It all depends whether it is the first pregnancy, a second or third miscarriage or a result of a mishap. Whatever the reason may be, it is painful for both parents. However, the main concern of couples is how it affects their […]
How can men improve their sperm morphology and motility?

It is analyzed as a percentage or a or range of perfectly shaped cells. The semen is examined in the lab and the sperm with a normal shape (head and tail) is counted.
Have PCOS? Yes, you can still get Pregnant!

If you have PCOS, you can still get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy with various treatment options available.
PCOS is a condition where the female fails to ovulate regularly.
How to Deal with Stress Due to Infertility?
[vc_row el_class=”cstm_container”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Infertility is not a simple circumstance to negotiate with. When a substantial amount of time has passed trying to conceive, one is bound to be disheartened. One encounters social pressure and health issues leading to mental stress dealing and living with stress has serious repercussions such as hormonal imbalance that may further reduce your […]
What are the Common Myths related to Infertility?

Infertility may be a bottleneck to your dreams of parenting a baby. It may be a temporary phenomenon due to some medical problem or deficiency.
Is Infertility Related to Lifestyle?

“Half the infertility woes will be eliminated if you stay well hydrated,” points the most experienced gynecologist, Dr. ShivaniBhutani and adds, “Cervical mucus transports and protects sperm in the fallopian tubes that lead to fertilization. A well-hydrated cervical mucus facilitates the easier movement of sperm without any hindrance.” Hence stick to a strict water regime and stay hydrated.
How can you deal with infertility as a couple

“Nervous breakdown and depression were just at the doorsteps after three consecutive failed IVFs and prolonged infertility,” shivers Natalie (name changed), thinking about the toughest five years when she had to deal with the marital pressure, infertility, and the agony of not being able to conceive. Each day would bring hope and would end up adding stress to the insurmountable woes. Childbearing and pregnancy are the two most important stepping stones for a happy married life.