How can Men Improve their Sperm Morphology and Motility?

How can men improve their sperm morphology and motility?

Fertility in men is largely dependent on their sperm morphology and motility. Issues relating to females are maybe a little more complex and take a comparatively longer time to correct.

Problems related to male fertility have been seen to resolve themselves within three-four months following dietary and lifestyle changes by the male.

Around the time you are trying for a baby, the male partner should adopt healthy habits in food intake and lifestyle.

If the female has normal & regular menstrual cycles and the intercourse is proper, chances are that morphology or motility is not normal.


What is Sperm Morphology?

Sperm morphology is the study of the shape of the sperms present in the semen as seen under the microscope.

It is analyzed as a percentage or a range of perfectly shaped cells. The semen is examined in the lab, and the sperm with a normal shape (head and tail) is counted.

14 percent or more morphology percentage is considered normal, 5-10 percent is low fertility, and below 5 is deemed poor. It is important because the shape affects the ability to swim and penetrate.


What is Sperm Motility?

Sperm motility is the ability of the cell to move, its mobility. The male reproductive cells need to swim efficiently inside the woman’s reproductive tract to reach the eggs.

A measure of 25 micrometers is considered normal. The overall sperm motility of a man is considered low when less than 32 percent of his specimen has a good ability to move.


What is the effect of morphology and motility on fertility?

Abnormal sperm morphology and poor motility are the main causes of male factor infertility. It is all about the biology of a man that makes him incapable of impregnating a woman.

It is quite clear that motility is the basic requirement for making the swimmers reach the egg wherever it is, to fertilize it.

The next step in reaching the egg cell is penetration. The morphology affects fertility because sperm has to have a certain shape to be able to penetrate the egg. Its head part should be strong enough to break the egg’s outer wall to enter it.

The normal shape of the sperm is an oval head and a long tail. Abnormal ones have a crooked head or short or double tail.

In a semen sample of a healthy man, most cells do not have the regular & shape. However, it doesn’t mean he is infertile. It is only when the percentage of such crooked cells is large that it affects fertility.

If a couple has an abnormal semen analysis, they can keep trying or take the help of assisted reproductive techniques (ART).

Small-headed morphology finds a solution in IVF, or in vitro fertilization, where the sperms are directly injected into eggs.


Can sperm morphology and motility be improved?

Yes. Most of the factors that cause male factor fertility are rectifiable, and so are sperm morphology and motility.

Research has shown that lifestyle, environment, and food have an impact on it. Improper conditions impair the morphology & motility, and rectifying the conditions can reverse the process too.

Some of the factors that affect the sperm shape and movement are:

● Usage of alcohol and tobacco
● Drugs
● obesity
● Exposure to radiation or chemicals
● Diet
● Exercise
● Stress

The good news is that the body constantly makes sperm all the time. So, changing the above factors will make the new ones have better quality.


Changes You Should Make

Limit alcohol & tobacco consumption

Make it occasional, a small quantity, or maybe stop it altogether. If you already know your fertility is being compromised, stay away from smoking and drugs, and limit your hard drinks while you are trying conception

Add vitamins & antioxidants to your diet

Studies have indicated that sperm morphology improves with vitamin C & E, lycopene, and coenzyme. Take more vegetables and salads rather than processed foods.

Stay away from radiation

Mobile phones, mobile towers in close vicinity, and working in a radiology laboratory expose you to harmful radiation. Stating away will improve the morphology of new sperm.

Stop sauna and hot tubs

Your pelvic temperature impacts your swimmers. Keep it cool. Even the type of underwear is important. Wear comfortable and constructing garments.

Maintain a healthy weight

She’d lose those extra kilos, exercise or jog regularly, and maintain an active lifestyle. You being in the best shape up against each cell in your body. You are as fertile as you are fit and healthy.

Avoid stress

Stress is bad for morphology. Meditate, do yoga, and avoid stressful situations and people. Spend quality time with your partner, and well wishes.


More to Learn

Motility & morphology are only small parts of the bigger picture. You must talk about your semen analysis with a fertility specialist.

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