आइए समझें – किशोरों में अग्रवर्ती घुटने का दर्द (एंटीरियर नी पेन)


चोट है जो घुटने की टोपी के नीचे और पिंडली की हड्डी के ठीक ऊपर, घुटने के अग्रभाग में केंद्रित होती है। इसे अंग्रेजी में AKP यानी एंटीरियर नी पेन कहा जाता है। सरल भाषा में इसका नाम है ‘रनर्स नी’ यानी एक धावक का घुटना। मूलतः यह एक स्पोर्ट्स इंजरी है जो खेल में भाग लेने वाले किशोरों या युवा वयस्कों में होती है विशेषकर बालिकाओं में। 

Current State of the Art in Arthroplasty


At Eva Hospital, state of art in arthroplasty technology has made these implants easier, and faster to recover from. The joints are made from more durable materials and operated with the most advanced tools and techniques.

Let us take a look at the ways in which advancement in medical science is making a difference in the field of total joint replacement operations.

World Arthritis Day- Don’t Delay, Connect Today


Arthritis is one of the most common diseases in the world. It affects nearly 25 per cent of adults during their lives, in some form or the other. Ironically, people do not know much about what it actually is. It is one of the topmost reasons for disability worldwide.

Discover the Benefits of PRP Injections for Knee Arthritis


PRP Injection Therapy is a minimally invasive treatment to treat arthritis in the knee joints. PRP is an innovative & relatively new procedure that utilizes the patient’s blood to help relieve pain and stimulate long-lasting healing.

How can Lifestyle Changes help Arthritis Patients?


Arthritis is affecting millions of people including the young generation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 36% of obese American adults Arthritis Patients are badly inflicted with arthritis pains.

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