Losing Weight and Keeping it Lost – Understand Your Nutrition


We work hard and harder for losing weight and later live with the gnawing concern of keeping it lost. It takes months to watch the diet and exercise like a zombie till you get the desired number on the weighing scale. Congratulations, you have reached your goal! But, have you?

Adult Acquired Flat Foot – Things You Should Know


Adult acquired flat foot is a condition where the arch of the foot flattens progressively. When standing, the entire sole touches the ground. Adults who acquire this condition, mostly experience pain, difficulty inactivity, and require treatment.

Expectation Before and After Joint Replacement Surgery?


‘As active as squirrel’ or ‘fit as a fiddle’ was your nickname a couple of months ago. But with a sudden jerk, push, weight lift, or age and osteoporosis, you find yourself incapacitated with acute pain. This unexpected jerk or sports injury has led to unbearable traumatic pain.

आधुनिक गैजेट्स- वरदान या वेदनादायक ?

अत्याधुनिक गैजेट एवं  मोबाइल फोन वर्तमान जीवन की अपरिहार्य अंश  है। क्या आप अपने मोबाइल फोन, व्हाट्सएप, ई-मेल या सोशल मीडिया  की जांच आधे दिन से अधिक समय तक किए बिना रहने के बारे में सोच सकते हैं? असंभव  है ना? लेकिन क्या क्या आपने सोचा है की इसका असर आपके गर्दन ऊपर कैसे पड़ सकता है  ? वैज्ञानिकों ने ‘टेक्स्ट नेक’ नामक एक शब्द गढ़ा है, जिसका मतलब है लगातार सर झुका कर रहने के कारण  गर्दन में होनेवाली  पीड़ा ।

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