Losing Weight and Keeping it Lost – Understand Your Nutrition
Losing Weight and Keeping it Lost – Understand Your…
We work hard and harder for losing weight and later live with the gnawing concern of keeping it lost.
It takes months to watch the diet and exercise like a zombie till you get the desired number on the weighing scale. Congratulations, you have reached your goal! But, have you?
Well, losing weight is not a goal but a continuous journey. Also, take care that shedding kilos has not resulted in bone and muscle damage. Just remember this and you will be fine.
Consult a Bones & Sports Specialist in Ludhiana for that. Here we are giving you easy-to-follow tips on keeping the lost weight off your body in simple ways.
The fundamental areas to understand your nutrition are as follows:
- Food
- Activity
- Lifestyle
Activity Chart after Weight Loss
Exercise 4 days a week only
Maybe you have lost weight with rigorous exercises and now you only want to maintain. You do deserve to ease your routine a bit otherwise it becomes stressful. You have worked hard enough.
No need to continue the same routine. Make a new one. Change the workouts and reduce the frequency to 4-5 days
Change the type of exercise
When we change our type of exercise, it helps us two-fold. Four days a week is fine.
Mix up walking, yoga, aerobics, and jogging or a game. Some day you can take a walk and the next day you play a game or do Yoga.
Yoga with its stretching asanas is wonderful for maintaining weight.
Eating Habits after Losing Weight
Include a starter with all meals
For lunch and dinner, soup is the best. A clear soup with a few vegetables. Garnish with cottage cheese bits or tofu and the soup is ready.
You can have it both before lunch and dinner.
For breakfast, eat some fruits or nuts as a starter.
This is the best method of avoiding binging and including nutrition.
Eat slow
Eating slowly has multiple benefits.
Firstly, it digests the food in the best way possible so that you receive all the vitamins, minerals, etc that are contained in it.
Secondly, it helps in bowel movement and keeps your intestine clean and light.
Thirdly, it makes you eat just the right quantity. While eating fast, one tends to eat more than hunger.
Slow eating will make you full sooner.
Watch calorie + value every time you eat
Yes. Every time. But focus on value more than calories.
Ask yourself, what is the nutritional value of what I am consuming? Of course, each food item has nutrition but is it required for you or something else is?
Based on your body, activity, and age requirement, energy-giving food ( if you are actively exercising for example), or protein/ calcium-rich items for the bones, joints, and muscles health.
Eat filling foods
Especially at breakfast, consume a meal that keeps you full for quite a while.
If you will feel hungry before lunch, you are likely to snack on chips and biscuits, etc.
For a working person, it is not practical also, so don’t just eat an apple and rush to the office. Have lassi, smoothie, curd, milk, banana, or eggs.
Now pizza has a lot of calories but does not keep you full for long.
Keep chopped fruits, vegetable juices, and nuts handy
In the morning, chop your fruits and salad ( cucumber or carrot) and put some extra to eat whenever you feel like snacking. To make it interesting, top it with murmurs or makhana pumpkin seeds.
Connect with a friend for inspiration
Keep in touch with a like-minded person. A friend, relative, or close family gives importance to fitness and health. Having frequent chats keeps one inspired to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
Weigh yourself every week
Keep a pen and pad near your weighing machine. Do not take your weight all the time. Fix a day and take your weight reading on that day every week and note it down.
Documenting the fluctuations will give a fair idea of the direction you are going in. If you are a female, remember, you will weigh more just before your period, so that’s alright.
The Take-Away
Believe it, it is simple to get the kilos back again. Moderate is the way to go. Do not go overboard with eating and resting after becoming thin. Remain active, eat right and frequently.
Keep a check on nutrition, especially because now you need to regain the strength in your bones and joints. Exercising and diets both take a toll on them sometimes.