What is Osteochondritis Dissecans?


A condition that affects various joints in the body, Osteochondritis Dissecans is the result of a piece of bone getting partially or entirely separated from the end of the bone forming. An obstruction in the blood supply to the area is often the cause of this issue.

Understanding Bursitis: Symptoms, Prevention and Cure


Body joints have a complicated makeup, due to which they are prone to suffering from a large number of ailments. One such health condition that causes discomfort and pain along the joints is bursitis, caused by inflammation of the bursa.

What is the Osgood-Schlatter Disease Common in young Athletes?


One of the most common causes of knee pain among young athletes is Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD). In fact, about 10 percent of growing adolescents experience it. However, the good news is that Osgood-Schlatter’s disease is not actually a disease

What is Stress Fracture?


One of the most common injury risks among sportspersons is the stress fracture. This is because of the very nature of some sports where the sportsperson is required to perform fixed actions for prolonged durations through their entire career.

Common Sports Injuries in Ballgames


Studies conducted on the subject show ballgames claim a lion’s share in injuries suffered during sports. Also, football presents the greatest risk for concussions of all sports, data suggest.

Common hip injuries and ways to prevent them


Hip injuries are extremely painful aside from causing major mobility issues. A pain from an injured hip would not only affect that area but also pass on towards your legs, sciatica, groin and spine. Consequently, your mobility will be highly restricted.

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