
Dealing With a Sports Injury

What Is Sports Injury?


Every athlete or sportsperson is susceptible to experiencing an injury that can impact them mentally and physically, during their career.

 The sportsman’s ability to cope with the injury and an adequate method of dealing with these injuries can go a long way to help them to return to their original form.


How Many Types of Sports Injury?

There are two kinds of sports injuries. They include:

  1. Acute traumatic injuries: These injuries usually happen after a blow or force while getting tackled in sports like football, basketball or skateboarding, etc. They include fractures, sprains, strains, concussions, and cuts.
  2. Overuse injuries:  These injuries happen over time and usually from repetitive training and movements, like running or serving a ball in tennis, and are also called Chronic injuries. They might not seem serious at first but they can get worse if left untreated. These include injuries like stress fractures and tendonitis. 


Also Read:-Causes of Common Sports Injuries


What to Do in Case of Sports Injury?

One should pull themself out of the game or stop doing their activity or workout as soon as they realize they are injured.

One should also immediately call a doctor if

  • Pain becomes very bad
  • There is swelling in the injured area 
  • One is limping
  • One is unable to move the injured area
  • Pain does not get better with rest or gets worse
  • Pain lasts for a week or more
  • There is a blackout 


Sports Injury Treatment

PRICE therapy

In most cases, minor injuries, like mild sprains and strains are initially treated at home using PRICE therapy.

  • Protection
  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression 
  • Elevation.

Treatment for a sports injury depends on factors such as the severity of the injury and the part of the body affected.

Some common treatments for sports injury include:

  • Painkillers
  • Immobilization
  • Physiotherapy
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Surgical Procedures 


How to Prevent Sports Injury?


It can take a few weeks to a few months for a sportsperson to make a full recovery, depending on the nature of the injury.

One shouldn’t hasten the return to their earlier level of activity until fully recovered. However, aiming to gently start moving the injured body part as soon as possible can prove helpful.

The help of a professional, such as a physiotherapist or sports injury specialist, can prove to be effective. A suitable recovery program can be designed and they can advise one about the exercises that should be done. 


Dealing with Sports Injuries


The impact of an injury can be hard on an athlete, especially when it affects their game. There are both mental and physical aspects at play during the recovery period and can add due to stress and anxiety.

The player needs to keep a few things in mind while dealing with the injury. These few points can prove to be a great coping mechanism for the sportsperson:

Being Aware of Sports Injury

Being aware of the reason, treatment, and prevention of the injury can help lessen the fear or anxiety to a large extent. One must feel free to ask their doctor, trainer, coach, or therapist about what can be done to heal quickly and fully.

Being updated about the diagnosis, the type of injury, treatment options, and their purpose and recovery period can help the patient be abreast with their progress.

Alternative workouts and any warning signs to look out for can also be discussed with the doctor. One must feel free to seek a second opinion if they feel so and especially if surgery is recommended.


Taking Responsibility for Sports Injury

Acceptance and positivity is the key to recovery. The sportsperson instead of focusing on their decreased performance should accept that they have an injury.

This helps one to make a commitment towards their recovery which can result in a positive outcome and instill a sense of confidence in the player. 


Commitment to Sports Injury Treatment

A fair amount of motivation and hard work to get back in the game helps one to get back in the game rather than getting discouraged and slacking off on therapy.

The player must be committed to overcoming their injury by showing up for their treatments and listening to the doctor or the trainer.

One must focus on what needs to be done rather than what one is missing out on.


Getting Help for a Sports Injury

The right kind of support can be a big factor in healing and recovery. The sportsmen who tend to isolate themselves from teammates and friends due to injury most of the time end up getting demotivated and their recovery lags. Good advice or encouragement during the rehab process can be a big boon.


Appropriate Goals on Sports Injury 

True to the sportsman spirit, a player should turn injury into another training challenge, rather than viewing it as a crisis. The goals must be focused on recovery rather than performance as it will work as a motivation.

Dr. Tanveer Bhutani at Eva hospital lays a great emphasis on working closely with a therapist or doctor during the recovery as they can help one set realistic goals, in line with each stage of the rehab.  


Maintain Fitness When Injured in Sports

The type of injury can determine how the player should modify their training to add alternate forms of training, which can help in maintaining cardiovascular conditioning or strength.

The trainer, therapist, or physician can help the patient to organize a viable alternative workout program. A modified strength training program and a limited amount of exercise can help one to maintain cardiovascular fitness and focus on a better nutritional diet and health.



A well-planned rehabilitation program in consultation with a competent sports doctor and therapist, which may include physical therapy, manual therapy, ultrasound, or other technology can help relieve pain and promote healing to a great extent.


Prevention Sports Injury

Preventing re-injury is as important as recovery from the injury. Dr. Tanveer Bhutani orthopedic doctor in Ludhiana the fact that protecting an injured body part with modified shoes, tape, or a sports brace can help provide extra support to protect against a direct blow.

One must take it slow when they first get back to their sport and slowly build back up to your pre-injury level.

Most importantly, knowing your thresholds is extremely important. One must immediately seek help from a doctor if the pain continues. 


A Word from the Doctor

Sports Injuries Specialist in Ludhiana

Dr. Tanveer Bhutani has immense experience in treating patients with sports injuries and he explains that with appropriate knowledge, support, and patience an injury can be easily overcome.

Taking things slowly, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a positive, focused approach in consultation with a therapist or doctor helps most athletes and sportspersons to overcome minor injuries quickly and major injuries in time. Timely book online consultation for a sports injury treatment can help plan the treatment for any injury.

Last but not the least, remember that you are a sportsperson and injury is just another challenge. Give it your best shot.

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