What is the Blastocyst Stage in Embryo Development? How is it Relevant in IVF?

About a decade ago, it was a common practice among IVF specialists to transfer three-day-old embryos in IVF cycles. However, in the past few years, most have them have switched to using embryos that have survived for at least 5 days—better known as the embryos reaching the blastocyst stage
Is IVF Procedure Painful?

IVF is a highly intricate medical procedure divided into several stages. While stating that IVF procedure is complexly pain less would be incorrect, it can be safely said that the physical discomfort during the procedure would be nothing too extreme.
Your 5-point Guide to Choosing the Right Doctor for IVF Treatment

IVF is a specialized treatment that only a qualified professional can perform. Not all gynecologists, for instance, are qualified to perform this highly skilled task. For this you need to find a medical practitioner who specialises in the field of embryology, including gynecology and obstetrics.
What Foods Should you Avoid During your Fertility Treatment?

Your diet is the single determiner of your physical health. This also means that your diet would play a crucial role in ensuring your body is fully prepared and completely receptive to the IVF treatment and yield positive outcomes.
Busting 5 common myths about IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART), in which eggs are retrieved from a woman’s ovaries and are then artificially combined with the sperm in a lab for fertilization
10 Ways to Boost your Chances of IVF Pregnancy

Finding highly qualified medical experts and getting the most effective medical care is key to already improving your odds in favor of achieving pregnancy through in-vitro fertilization.
Multiple Pregnancies with IVF and methods to deal with it

In recent times, numerous studies have focussed on the effectiveness of in-vitro fertilization and its success rate, considering this artificial reproductive technique enables people with little hope of being parents to start their own families.
How does Age Impact your Fertility?

Across the world, the average age of mothers having their first child is rising. However, age and fertility are inversely proportional— meaning the higher the age, the lower your chances of achieving conception.
Getting Pregnant after 35: Tips to Follow

Age is directly linked to a woman’s fertility, and can severely impact your chances at pregnancy. While a woman is most fertile during her 20s, her fertility starts to deteriorate at the onset of the mid-30s.
What is Egg Freezing and How does it Help Plan Parenthood?

Also known as mature oocyte cryopreservation, egg freezing is the process of harvesting eggs from a woman’s ovaries and freezing them till the time she is ready to try to get pregnant.