10 Dietary Practices Impacting your Bone Health


Your bones, which are highly instrumental in maintaining your well-being, are made up of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, potassium, and protein. A diet rich in the above-mentioned nutrients is key to maintaining bone health and density.

Understanding SLAP tear and ways to prevent it


Overuse of specific movements or injuries can cause damage to your shoulder, causing pain and discomfort. Nearly 10% of all shoulder injuries could be SLAP tears or labrum tears, a point of discussion in this article.

Arthroscopy: Procedure, Usage, Benefits and Recovery


Lifestyle and dietary negligence are leading to a spurt in the number of cases in India where body joints have a wide variety of issues. However, modern science has also made it possible to nip such issues in the bud through a minimally invasive procedure known as arthroscopy.

The Complete Diet Chart for a Lifetime of Bone Health


In recent times, public bone health has become a subject of major studies and speculation. Why so? Bone is a pivotal part of the human body not just to provide structure to the body but they anchor muscles and store calcium.

Sprain versus Tear: What is the Difference?


Sprain and tear are words that are often used interchangeably to describe and identify ligament-related injuries. However, medically, ligament tear and spraining of a ligament are not the same things.

11 Facts about Arthritis you Probably did not Know


Private research done on the subject showed that arthritis affected more than 180 million people in India in the year 2017. Numbers also indicated that around 14% of the Indian population sought a doctor’s help every year for this joint disease.

How to Minimize the Risk of Sports Injury?


Medical studies in sports show that the rate of injury in athletes may vary from 10% to 65%. This is why identifying possible risk factors for injury and plugging those gaps is required to lower the odds. Now, what are the factors that make you more prone to sports injuries?

ACL: ACL Tear Symptoms, Causes, Recovery and Treatment


ACL tear is an extremely common knee injury, particularly known to affect sports persons involved in football, basketball, volleyball, and skiing. In the majority of cases, an ACL injury is a result of making a wrong movement on part of the patient.

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