How weight impacts IVF treatment and vice versa


According to the World Health Organization, a BMI of over 25 is overweight, and more than 30 is obese. Obesity is known to make a person more susceptible to a wide variety of medical issues.

Is IVF Procedure Painful?


IVF is a highly intricate medical procedure divided into several stages. While stating that IVF procedure is complexly pain less would be incorrect, it can be safely said that the physical discomfort during the procedure would be nothing too extreme.

Busting 5 common myths about IVF


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART), in which eggs are retrieved from a woman’s ovaries and are then artificially combined with the sperm in a lab for fertilization

10 Ways to Boost your Chances of IVF Pregnancy


Finding highly qualified medical experts and getting the most effective medical care is key to already improving your odds in favor of achieving pregnancy through in-vitro fertilization.

How does Fibroid Impact Fertility among Women?


Uterine fibroids are frequently found incidentally during a routine check-up of your pelvic. The doctor may feel irregularities in the shape of the uterus, indicating the presence of fibroids. Fibroids can be identified through an ultrasound, lab tests, Hyster sonography or an MRI.

Azoospermia: How TESA helps Deal with Male Infertility?


TESA is a medical procedure used to directly retrieve sperm from epididymis or testis. Even among patients suffering from non-obstructive azoospermia, there are small pockets of sperm production in the testis, and this procedure helps obtain those sperms for harvesting.

How does Age Impact your Fertility?


Across the world, the average age of mothers having their first child is rising. However, age and fertility are inversely proportional— meaning the higher the age, the lower your chances of achieving conception.

Fallopian Tube Blockage: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Blockage in the fallopian tubes is known to be a common cause of female fertility. This guide will help you understand what exactly fallopian tube blockage is, how it manifests itself in the female body, and what its possible treatments are.

What is Infertility and can it be Medically Corrected?


The World Health Organization describes infertility as a “disease of the male or female reproductive system, defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse”.

Importance of Semen Analysis in Male Infertility Treatment


Semen is the fluid that contains sperm plus other sugar and protein substances and is released during ejaculation. A procedure in which fertility specialists examine and evaluate the health, vitality, and overall quality of a man’s semen and sperm is known as Semen Analysis.

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