Best Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms
Best Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms
The immense joy and happiness a newborn brings to your life come with a few responsibilities too.
Feeding a newborn is a round-the-clock commitment that every new mother embraces wholeheartedly. An opportunity to start establishing a bond with her baby.
Dr. Shivani Bhutani, a renowned gynecologist, infertility specialist, and counselor shares some tips on breastfeeding for new moms.
She says Breastfeeding is a skill that mother and baby learn together and that these tips may help the mothers to reach their breastfeeding goals.
Stay Together After the Birth
Keeping the baby with you after the birth facilitates a feeling of intimacy, closeness, and a powerful hormonal response that is associated with breastfeeding success.
Holding the newborn close during each feeding, making eye contact, and talking to him or her in a gentle voice during each feeding serve to build the newborn’s feeling of safety, trust, and comfort.
Get Your Position and Attachment Right
The initial few days after the birth offers the best chance for the mother and the baby to learn to breastfeed.
The mother’s breasts are still soft for a few days after the birth. However gradually as breast milk changes from highly nutritious colostrum to mature milk, the breasts become fuller and firmer.
The first few days can be utilized to get your position and attachment right. This will go a long way to help to avoid any potential issues.
Be Patient
A skill that both you and your baby need to learn together, breastfeeding is harder for some mothers and babies than it is for others. It requires time and patience.
Both you and your baby must relax. If you find you are getting irritable with yourself while you’re trying to breastfeed, take a break and try again in a little while.
Feed on Demand or According to Need
A newborn needs to be fed between seven and twelve times in 24 hours initially while being breastfed but this will settle over time. Frequent and effective feeding aids in making enough milk for the baby.
Signs of readiness to feed, like moving the hands to the mouth, sucking on fists and fingers, and lip-smacking are the first signs to watch out for initially.
Fussing and crying come later. The stopping of suckling, closing his or her mouth, or turning away from the nipple might be signs of the baby being full or simply taking a break. Burp the baby or wait a minute before offering the breast again.
As the babies get older, they take in more milk in less time at each feeding.
Only Breast Milk for the First Six Months
The babies need no other food or drink except exclusive breastfeeding until at least six months of age. Six or more heavy, wet nappies and at least one bowel motion a day is a sign that your baby is receiving enough breast milk in the early weeks. The baby settling down after most feeds is also a good sign.
Vitamin D Supplements
Breast Milk May Not Provide Enough Vitamin D, Which Aids the Absorption of Calcium and Nutrients Necessary for Strong Bones by the Baby. Consult the Doctor to Discuss If Vitamin D Supplements Are Needed for the Baby.
Breast milk may not provide enough vitamin D, which aids the absorption of calcium and nutrients necessary for strong bones by the baby. Consult the doctor to discuss if Vitamin D Supplements are needed for the baby.
Trust your instincts
Mothers tend to worry that the newborn is not eating enough, but babies know just how much they require. Instead of how much feed the newborn is taking keep a tab on steady weight gain and satisfaction between feedings
When to ask for help
A lactation consultant or your baby’s doctor can help if you are having trouble feeding, especially if feeding is painful or the baby is not gaining weight.
Breastfeeding is a technique and skill which is not only important to feed the newborn but goes a long way in taking care of the Child’s nourishment and health.
These are some resources for support during the lactation period.