Multiple Pregnancies with IVF and methods to deal with it


In recent times, numerous studies have focussed on the effectiveness of in-vitro fertilization and its success rate, considering this artificial reproductive technique enables people with little hope of being parents to start their own families.

How does Fibroid Impact Fertility among Women?


Uterine fibroids are frequently found incidentally during a routine check-up of your pelvic. The doctor may feel irregularities in the shape of the uterus, indicating the presence of fibroids. Fibroids can be identified through an ultrasound, lab tests, Hyster sonography or an MRI.

The Complete Diet Chart for a Lifetime of Bone Health


In recent times, public bone health has become a subject of major studies and speculation. Why so? Bone is a pivotal part of the human body not just to provide structure to the body but they anchor muscles and store calcium.

Shin Splints: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention


Shin splints are one of the many conditions common among sportspersons and people who are physically extremely active. Typically, a problem associated with excessive use of the shin bone, leg muscles, and tendons, one can develop this condition due to overloading of these parts.

Azoospermia: How TESA helps Deal with Male Infertility?


TESA is a medical procedure used to directly retrieve sperm from epididymis or testis. Even among patients suffering from non-obstructive azoospermia, there are small pockets of sperm production in the testis, and this procedure helps obtain those sperms for harvesting.

Vitamin D: How it affects Pregnancy?


Even as more studies further examine the value and merits of Vitamin D and how it affects fertility, its positive impact in relation to pregnancy and the overall health of expecting mothers and the upcoming baby are firmly established.

Runner’s Knee: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention


Runner’s Knee is a broad term describing a medical condition that causes a dull pain, typically, around the front of your knees. Pain may also be felt towards the outer part of the knee, depending on the specific cause of this condition.

How does Age Impact your Fertility?


Across the world, the average age of mothers having their first child is rising. However, age and fertility are inversely proportional— meaning the higher the age, the lower your chances of achieving conception.

Sprain versus Tear: What is the Difference?


Sprain and tear are words that are often used interchangeably to describe and identify ligament-related injuries. However, medically, ligament tear and spraining of a ligament are not the same things.

11 Facts about Arthritis you Probably did not Know


Private research done on the subject showed that arthritis affected more than 180 million people in India in the year 2017. Numbers also indicated that around 14% of the Indian population sought a doctor’s help every year for this joint disease.

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