How do you decide the time of Knee Replacement Surgery?
How do you decide the time of Knee Replacement…
Has climbing the stairs become a menace? Have you been facing difficulty walking a long-distance? Do you find yourself complaining about your worn-out knees too often? It may be time for knee replacement surgery
You may wonder and panic hearing the word ‘surgery’. However, if your knees are troubling and can’t support the daily motion, you need to step out and consider surgery as your orthopedic recommends.
The process of knee replacement surgery is over two hours, but you need to prepare and make arrangements for recovery when you get back home. Hence to prepare for adequate arrangements and decide when to get the surgery done is important and a few factors must be considered before taking any decision.
“A detailed assessment is crucial before making any decisions for a surgical procedure. You can resume your daily chores and start driving within three months of the surgery,” says Dr. Tanveer Bhutani, the best orthopedic of Punjab at EVA Hospital.
When Can You Avoid Surgery?
Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery has yielded successful results over the past 20 years and more than 90% of patients resume their daily chores within three months. Dr. Bhutani advises his patients regarding the surgery keeping in mind the past history and the present of the patient. He suggests that in the following cases, undergoing knee surgery can be postponed for a while:
- Alternate Treatments
If you have bearable pain and you want to try alternative sources of treatment like ice, painkilling medicines, heat, or physiotherapy, you may wait and see if the pain subsides. Regular muscle strengthening exercises can also help you alleviate the pain.
- Bearable Pain
The orthopedic usually suggests if the pain is bearable and doesn’t bother you in the routine chores, you may postpone the surgery for a while. The level of pain is what determines the urgency of the surgery.
- Overweight
If you have massive weight, the newly replaced knee joint will not be able to survive the weight and may disturb the placement of the knee joints. This may aggravate pain after the surgery. So the orthopedic usually suggests reducing the body weight before undergoing a knee replacement surgery.
- Routine Activities Unhampered
Dr. Bhutani says if you are able to carry out daily chores uninterrupted, you may wait for the surgery and get the routine chores going.
- Weak Thigh Muscles
Weak thigh muscles will not be able to provide support to new joints. They are also more susceptible to infections and open wounds.
When is it time for Surgery?
Dr. Tanveer Bhutani says Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is the most effective surgery in case the pain in the knee or the condition of the knee is overwhelming. The surgery has minimum risks if done at the hands of an expert orthopedic surgeon. With proper medications and exercises, you can resume your daily activities in a short span of time.
Following are some scenarios that make the knee replacement quintessential:
- Medications are Ineffective
Strong pain killers or anti-inflammatory medications are ineffective in helping cure excruciating pain. Such is the case when the orthopedic will recommend getting the knee joint replaced with the help of minimally invasive surgery.
It is an alarming scenario when alternate medication systems like steroids, injections, and physiotherapy are not able to heal the pain. The best knee replacement surgeon of Punjab, Dr. Bhutani says that if the pain in the knee is unbearable, you must consult the orthopedic and book surgery.
- Inability to do Routine Chores
When you are unable to do routine chores like climbing out of bed, climbing the stairs, walk for grocery shopping, or even dress up or bathe without wincing in pain, you must seek the suggestion of the orthopedic and consider knee replacement surgery to live a pain-free life.
Dr. Bhutani adds that this is the case when patients are in deep pain and feel their normal life is also messed up.
- Evident Deformity in the Knee
Injury or arthritis may sometimes cause a deformity in the knee and make your knee bowed in or bowed in. The orthopedic consider this knee deformed from the body midline with acute pain as the time for surgery. You must make arrangements for the surgery sooner than later to avoid further deformity or pain.
- Age and severity of the Pain
Dr. Bhutani says age isn’t the foremost criterion for considering knee replacement surgery. TKR can be performed for patients of all age groups. However, if you are 50 years and above and facing debilitating knee pain, you must understand it is time for replacing the knee.
The severity of the pain is a key indicator for the time to undergo the surgery. If the pain is beyond the control of medicines, and if you experience pain day in and out, and are compelled to walk with a walker or crane, Dr. Bhutani suggests there is no reason to wait or postpone the surgery.
Final Words
Why live with pain when modern-day surgery is the quick fix for a healthy life full of joy! With a small minimally invasive incision, you will add years to your life and lead a pain-free life. Seek help from the orthopedic regarding the right time of the surgery.
Delayed action can worsen the condition of the knee. Do not let the suffering or pain overpower your happiness and seek the opinion of the best orthopedic in Ludhiana, Dr. Tanveer Bhutani, EVA Hospital, and live a pain-free life.