
Things to know about irregular periods and fertility

The average length of regular period cycle recommended by doctors is mainly 4-weeks. It can be a little large or small in different females. Periods that exceed 35 days and last less than 21 days are classified as irregular. This is a sign of irregular cycles. The chance of getting pregnant decreases significantly to some extent if you have irregular periods. Hence, it is recommended to go to a fertility center in Punjab for proper diagnosis and treatment.

When you go for any professional help, your gynecologist may ask you some questions related to causes and symptoms of your irregular periods. So you have to focus on your main causes and symptoms before your visit to your doctor. In this article, we will discuss the factors that lead to irregular periods.

Causes of Irregular periods:- There are a lot of factors that result in irregular periods.

  • Lifestyle factors:- If you change something in your lifestyle, it will cause the change in pattern of your period cycle
  1. Stress: If you have stress in your life, it will result in irregular periods.
  2. Excess exercise: If you exercise more than your body allows, it increases or decreases the level of hormones that results in irregular periods.
  3. Weight gain or loss: If your food habits or calorie intake result in gain or loss of weight, then there is a lot of chance of irregular periods.
  4. Travel:- If you travel in different time zones, it will change the overall level of your body’s hormones and then eventually cause irregular periods.
  • Medical factors: There are some medical reasons that cause irregular periods which are as follow:-
  1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:- PCOS is a medical issue in which uterus of female build excess of one hormone named as androgen hormones, that will result in irregular periods.
  2. Endometriosis:- It will change the span of your menstrual cycle. It will also result in heavy or light bleeding.
  3. Thyroid:- This problem can also imbalance the level of hormones that cause irregular periods.
  4. Ovary cancer:- This will result in missed periods or irregular periods.
  • Other Causes:-Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Surgery, Miscarriage etc. are also some other factors that result in missed or irregular periods.

How to plan a baby if you have irregular periods?

Some women who have irregular periods experience delay in pregnancy while some of other people easily get pregnant and have normal pregnancy. Irregular period does not mean infertility. If you find any difficulty to get pregnant because of irregular periods, you should track your ovulation days by using an ovulating test kit or have intercourse every next day.

How you can lower the risk of irregular periods

You can adapt following ways to lower your risk of irregular periods:-

  • Live a stress free life.
  • Always eat a balanced diet and avoid junk food as much as possible.
  • Cut down the levels of alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, smoking etc.
  • Visit your Gynecologist for your regular checkup.
  • Change your sanitary napkins at regular intervals to avoid any kind of infection.

 When you have to visit your doctor about your irregular periods

If you have been experiencing following symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

  • Excess of cramps during periods.
  • Heavy bleeding than usual.
  • Foul smell discharge from vagina.
  • Vomiting or loose motion during periods.
  • More than 7 days of bleeding.

Seek help at a professional fertility centre in Punjab

If you experience delay in pregnancy because of irregular periods and have any of the above symptoms regularly, you should visit your healthcare provider. Do pay a visit to Eva Hospital, one of the best IVF hospital in Ludhiana and seek guidance from our expert Dr. Shivani Bhutani. Here you will get right treatment so you can get your little one ASAP!

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