Female reproductive organs that connect the ovaries to the uterus are called the blocked fallopian tubes treatment. The fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes.
It’s where the sperm meets the egg. The fertilized zygote travels from here to the uterus, where it implants and grows into a fetus.
A blockage in both or either of the two thin muscular tubes can cause several problems, preventing a fertilized egg from making its way to the uterus leading to female infertility.
If only one fallopian tube is blocked, getting pregnant still might be possible as the egg can travel through the other side as there are two ovaries.
Nonetheless, if both tubes are completely blocked, it is not possible to get pregnant naturally until one or both is unblocked.
Causes Responsible for Blocked Tubes
The fallopian tubes may become blocked due to various reasons like:
- Endometriosis – Uterus lining grows in other organs
- Pelvic infection or inflammatory disease
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Past surgery resulting in adhesions or damage
- Some abnormal growths like fibroids
- Previous Ectopic pregnancy
There are usually no visible symptoms of fallopian tube blockage. An investigation is usually done when a woman has trouble conceiving. A diagnosis can be reached with different imaging tests such as X-rays or an ultrasound.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a type of X-ray that assesses the inside of the fallopian tubes to help diagnose blockages.
During HSG, a dye is introduced into your uterus and fallopian tubes which helps your doctor see more of the inside of your fallopian tubes on the X-ray. It should be done within the first half of your menstrual cycle.
An ultrasound test called sonohysterogram is similar to the HSG test but uses sound waves to construct a picture of the fallopian tubes.
Keyhole surgery is called laparoscopy. Making a small cut in the body, the surgeon inserts a tiny camera to take pictures of the fallopian tubes from inside.
Many natural treatments claim and aim to reduce inflammation to clear a blockage in the fallopian tubes. Though these natural treatments remain popular and some claim success, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.
If the patient has one open tube and is otherwise healthy, then there might be a possibility of getting pregnant without too much help. Fertility drugs might be prescribed to increase the chances of ovulating on the side with the open tube.
But if both tubes are blocked, then this might not be an option.
Laparoscopic Surgery
An outpatient surgical procedure, laparoscopy is used in fertility medicine to evaluate and treat endometriosis adhesions, pelvic scarring, and fallopian tube blockages.
A minimally invasive surgery (MIS), is most trusted in the medical fields for its efficiency and very minor trauma to the body. The goal of MIS is to diagnose and treat conditions in one procedure.
A thin tube with a small camera called a laparoscope is placed through an incision in the belly button, providing the surgeon with a video feed.
The tissues in the operating area, are magnified by the laparoscope, giving the surgeon a much better view than the traditional surgery.
The pelvis is investigated internally with the help of two more small incisions, just above the pelvic bone and slightly toward the left side of the abdomen. Sometimes dye will be injected to determine blockage of the fallopian tubes.
Laparoscopy can take 45 minutes to over 3 hours. The more the number of endometriosis lesions requiring removal, the longer the procedure will take. In most instances, the hospital stay is very brief.
Bottom line
Blockage of fallopian tubes can be one of the major factors in women’s infertility. A timely diagnosis and laparoscopic treatment by a competent Gynaecology surgeon can treat this condition with a very high success rate.
Dr. Shivani Bhutani is a highly experienced Gynaecologist who specializes in infertility and IVF treatment. Book an appointment now!