Current State of the Art in Arthroplasty


At Eva Hospital, state of art in arthroplasty technology has made these implants easier, and faster to recover from. The joints are made from more durable materials and operated with the most advanced tools and techniques.

Let us take a look at the ways in which advancement in medical science is making a difference in the field of total joint replacement operations.

What are the Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery


The best orthopedic in Punjab, Dr. Tanveer Bhutani, assures a high success rate with knee replacement surgery. Dr. Bhutani says if prolonged medications, injections, and other treatments do not help in combating pain, knee replacement is a sure treatment for pain and recovery.

How can Lifestyle Changes help Arthritis Patients?


Arthritis is affecting millions of people including the young generation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 36% of obese American adults Arthritis Patients are badly inflicted with arthritis pains.

What are the risks of Hip Replacement Surgery


The surgery takes around 6-12 months to recover fully and revive the routine activities. Regular follow-ups with the surgeon, physical therapy, and following the precautions are ways to enhance the success of the surgery.

Hip Replacement- Tips for Effective Recovery


Have you been experiencing hip pain that interferes with your sleep or pain that is worsening with walking even with the help of a cane or walker? Has the hip pain affected your ability to climb up or down the stairs?

घुटने की सर्जरी-मिथक एवं सच्चाई


सन् 1970 से शुरू हुई घुटनों की सर्जरी आज एक दर्दरहित प्रक्रिया बन गई है। अगर आप अपने जीवन में 20 वर्ष साल खुशियों के जोडना चाहते है और घुटनो की दर्द से मुक्ति चाहते हैं और घुटनों की दर्द से मुक्ति चाहते हैं, तो डा. तनवीर भुटानी ईवा अस्पताल से मिलें और जानकारी प्राप्त करें। धीरे-धीरे अपनी गतिविधियाँ बढ़ाएँ और अपने आप को गोल्फ, टेनिस एवं तैराकी करने में सक्षम पाएँ।

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