What is ACL injury and Does it Require Surgery

If you are a soccer player, basketball champion, or football player you are probably familiar with the term ACL. While playing the game if you hear a popping sound and suddenly your knee is giving out under your body weight, you have most likely incurred an ACL injury. This will lead to immense pain and […]

What are the Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery

The best orthopedic in Punjab, Dr. Tanveer Bhutani, assures a high success rate with knee replacement surgery. Dr. Bhutani says if prolonged medications, injections, and other treatments do not help in combating pain, knee replacement is a sure treatment for pain and recovery.

Hip Replacement- Tips for Effective Recovery

Have you been experiencing hip pain that interferes with your sleep or pain that is worsening with walking even with the help of a cane or walker? Has the hip pain affected your ability to climb up or down the stairs?

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